Let me introduce you to Gret Glyer. This young man is the founder and CEO of the company called DonorSee which he set up to help the poorest people in the world via facilitating donations for small projects and to address their individual needs. Since starting his company in 2016, Gret has not drawn any salary from his company while working more 40 hours a week on its projects. Recently, the board of DonorSee convinced Gret to take a small salary. However, he and his bride, Heather, are expecting their first baby (girl) in August and to make ends meet in Virginia, where they live, they need minimum $4,200 per month to support their family. So far, they have attracted a little over $2,000 in monthly support on top of a small salary from DonorSee, however still not enough to raise their minimum goal. Cherish the Dove is seeking support for this lovely couple.
Your direct support will benefit not only Gret's family but also DonorSee's mission in 3 ways:
Hire faster. Not taking a salary has allowed DonorSee to hire faster and grow quicker. The faster they company grows, the more lives will be impacted. In 2019, their donation volume grew 78% year-over-year, which means they impacted 78% more lives than in 2018.
Bring on more donors. Prospective donors look for signals that a charity is reputable and worth supporting. Your direct support will provide a strong signal that will reassure donors as they make a decision to use DonorSee for the first time.
Magnify impact. The better he runs DonorSee, the more lives will be positively impacted. Not having to worry about financial stress allows him to give his full attention to the tough calls they have to make on a daily basis.
By supporting him directly, you enable DonorSee to hire faster, bring on more donors and magnify its impact. Please consider joining his support team today!

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Name: Cherish the Dove Corporation
Email: hana@cherishthedove.org